
As I am on research of my second book, I'm not writing. I am dedicated to reading, researching, etc.

But when I opened my electronic mailbox and found several emails about fanfiction I wrote in 2005 an idea came to my mind: It's good for a writer to write fanfiction?
I've heard people for and against for many various reasons, contrary perhaps because it is not you who creates the character so it is so much easier. Others think the opposite, if it is a really good fanfiction is hard to stay true to the characters, to their way of life and provide a continuation of the story, therefore is a great exercise.

Like these are thousands of opinions for and against. What I do know is that many writers have started writing fanficton and realized that there were natural writers or at least they liked it.
Now write fanfiction is a great plus for a writer, quickly you receive the views of each reader, or at least of some of them , in general these readers are very generous and say good and bad things of each chapter.

Perhaps for these periods of depression when you've been rejected several times a tool to be reborn as a writer is fanfiction, get this opinion from person to person letting you know that at least you are being read and is worth to continue writing.

I wrote two fanficiton, one in 2005 and another in 2007. To this day every day I receive emails from people who read on, not all of them are perfect there is also criticism. But that shows me that there are people out there who think it's worth reading me and encourages me to continue writing.

What do you think?



Escribir fanfiction sí o no, es una buena herramienta para el escritor?

Como me encuentro en periodo de investigación de mi segundo libro, no estoy escribiendo. Me dedico a leer, a investigar, etc.

Pero cuando abrí mi bandeja de correo electrónico y encontré varios mails acerca de fanfiction que escribí en 2005 una idea vino a mi mente: ¿Es bueno para un escritor escribir fanfiction?

He escuchado gente a favor y en contra por muchas varias razones, en contra quizás porque no eres tú el que crea el personaje por lo tanto s demasiado fácil. Otros pensaran lo contrario si el fanfiction realmente es bueno es difícil mantenerse fiel a los personajes a su forma de ser y darle una continuación a la historia por lo tanto es un gran ejercicio.

Como estas hay miles de opiniones a favor y en contra lo que si se es que muchos escritores han empezado escribiendo fanficton y que ahí se dieron cuenta que tenían madera de escritor o por lo menos que les gustaba.

Ahora escribir fanfiction tiene un gran punto a favor para un escritor tu recibes las opiniones rápidamente de cada lector, o por lo menos de los que te lo quieren hacer saber pero en general estos lectores son muy generosos y te dicen lo bueno y lo malo a cada capítulo.

Quizás para esos periodos de depresión cuando has sido rechazado varias veces una herramienta para renacer como escritor sea el fanfiction , recibir esa opinión persona a persona haciéndote saber que por lo menos te leen y que vale la pena seguir escribiendo.

Yo escribí dos fanficiton uno en 2005 y otro en 2007 a día de hoy recibo correos todos los días de gente que los sigue leyendo, no todos son perfectos, también hay críticas. Pero eso me demuestra que hay gente por ahí que cree que vale la pena leerme y me anima a seguir escribiendo.

¿Ustedes que opinan?

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4 Responses
  1. I, personally, think that almost any type of writing is good exercise for the writer even if it isn't creative writing. So, yes, I think fanfiction is definitely good exercise!

  2. tracy_d74 Says:

    i have never given much thought to fan fiction. i think it can give you an opportunity to learn more about the writing craft. but i think if you are wanting to really be a published author, at some point you are going to create a story from start to finish.

  3. I think that also maybe you didn´t create the characters but in this continuation or new story you have to mantain them as they are , so it is a great excercise for a writer to keep characters true to themselves all the story. Because that sometimes is difficult.

  4. I see it as an opportunity to start writing without fear of creating something new. And if you already created a story from start to finish maybe is a way to see what people think of your writing more rapidly.
    For me is a way out o depression when I get rejections, to see that people reads me cheers me up! :)

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